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Old 07-22-2015, 02:37 PM   #14
EA Game Changer
LuGer33's Arena
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Re: NHL 16 EASHL Beta Opens Next Week For NHL 15 Xbox One & PlayStation 4 Users

Originally Posted by Turbojugend
Is there usually a decent balance of player types, or does everyone want to be a super-sniper? I'd like to take a shot at creating a physical defenseman if it's an option.
There's no creation. There will be a physical defensemen class, but you don't actually customize their attributes.

The Polygon article is accurate in many respects. There is a risk by going with this system that the mode loses some depth and incentive to keep playing. The idea is that w/ balanced classes and no wacky attributes, the emphasis will be on teamplay and hockey knowledge. Think of it like an E-sports approach with a higher skill gap that will hopefully keep fans playing without grinding or chasing the progression carrot.

I'm excited for it because I'm a fan of classic Arena games w/ equal starts and stuff where as much as possible is left to the players. I hope it works for EASHL.
EA SPORTS Game Changer
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