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Old 07-23-2015, 11:24 AM   #326
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Re: Rory McIlroy PGA TOUR Available Today - Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by sroz39
To be honest, EVERY game is like this. Just look at all the other forums and their wishlist threads.

I'm having a great time in Career mode, personally. I missed the cut in the Wetlands tourney and finished top 25 at Bay Hill at -9, with the winner shooting -21 (no falling off to let me win like some others are seeing). But I'm having a great time because I set my expectations accordingly.

The large majority of us on these forums knew about the lack of courses, modes, options etc. If not before EA Access, most certainly after whether it be from playing or watching streams. So I'm not going to sit here and whine about stuff I knew weren't going to be included. By purchasing the game with what I knew, I was accepting it's relatively bare-bones state.

I'm hoping guys like Handsward continue to read people's ideas and include what they can. If they don't, I'll be the first to complain because of their stated intentions to release content updates, both free and paid. In the meantime, I knew what I was buying.

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I think you're spot on here. This was my main rant; people who brought the game knowing what it was like then made posts: saying lack of content; bad player creation; no game modes; its unplayable without DLC....
Personally I did not buy the game because of those reasons and I fear that there will be very little DLC now because of how well the game has sold (No1 in the charts here in the UK). So with those figures EA can see this golf game as a fantastic release and a job well done contrary to what any reviews say as it's all about the sales. Its for those reasons that I think DLC will be incredibly limited and not for a long time, hence why there has been zero updates regarding its release.
If people were not happy with the game content why did they buy it without any knowledge of when DLC will be available and what it will actually be? Just makes no sense to me. EA absolutely laughing with this one.
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