08-04-2015, 05:20 PM
OVR: 16
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: gold coast, LI
Posts: 3,769
Re: Rory McIlroy PGA TOUR Available Today - Post Your Impressions Here
What i don't get is how does this game take away so much of the customization aspects previous ones had? I cant actually create a golfer that looks like me, just some presets? I can't actually customize the style of clothing, just like 15 versions of a polo and 15 version of the same pants? No Payne Stewart style clothing or anything? That's pretty inexcusable to me. We aren't talking about a game where there are tons of people on the screen at one time. It's one. Me. No one else. Why can't it be really customized like they had in the game 5 freaking years ago?
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