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Old 08-12-2015, 11:42 AM   #177
Jhawkfootball06's Arena
OVR: 2
Join Date: Jul 2009
Re: Green Releases Much Rarer in NBA 2K16, No Longer 100%

Originally Posted by HowDareI
Just saying....

But do you know how many absolute cheeseballs have said that word for word?

Yes, the point is to win by any means. But when your whole game is abusing exploits that have made it through the patches I refuse to respect it and be called "worse" than that.
The problem is that these "exploits" you talk about vary from person to person. Highly skilled players who can defend do not consider them exploits. People who can't defend do consider them exploits.

For example, I've had messages from people saying I exploit the paint too much. I've had messages from people saying I exploit the three too much.

If I pass it down low to Dwight Howard and you immediately jump every single time, of course I'm going to blow past you and get a dunk. If you are leaving Curry wide open every single possession, of course I'm going to shoot a lot of threes with him.

People think these are exploits, when instead it's just bad defense on their end.
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