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Old 08-19-2015, 09:36 AM   #7
howboutdat's Arena
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Re: CFM rookies not adjusted to Stock Player Scale

Also , in last nights GC Radio show, Shopmaster answered a question about this, but he sorta tried to dance around it and give an "excuse" for it. He said there are numerous players in drafts that come in with higher speeds than the stock guys(talking about wrs ), but that they cant catch or route run, and were all under like 70 overall....

Problem is, wrs dont need to be 80 overall to be good. We all know that. Also , you can put a guy thru game prep and get his catching up . With that high speed, they gonna be toasting the stock guys. Pathetic. I dont care how you want to defend EA here, this is what pisses us off so much at them year after year.Clear oversite, that any average player thinks of AHEAD of time, yet they somehow dont, year after year after year. How is it we can see the issue before hand and they cant?

There is no good excuse for this other than laziness or ignorance.Sorry , but if we can see it before hand and we arent making a game, people who are in the business of doing so should know better. This news SUCKS.So now we wil lhave yet another issue to deal with in CFM all year, because we know they wont be patching this .Why even bother changing the speeds or stock players if your not adjusting the dang draft players. Dang! Here we go again!
Yup, i said it !

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