08-19-2015, 07:42 PM
Re: NBA 2K16 Developer Blog - MyLEAGUE, MyLEAGUE Online, MyGM & More
I appreciate very much the honesty behind your post, Simballer. It is comforting and deserving of respect that you and the dev team take so much care about this videogame, that is the biggest hobby for most of us here.
I also can say that I am very happy (and with me the other 29 simheads that play a spanish online league with 7 seasons now in our backs with the same continuity in rosters/franchises) about the online leagues being back.
It has been hard for us to understand how something that working SO well, 5-6 years ago ceased to exist.
But today I want to be thankful and appreciative and I am glad that you brought back this special mode for us. I can just hope that this becomes a minimum set of options that comes with the game every year and we can see it grow from here until everyone is happy.
In the meantime, our league will be doing drafts and free agency via pen and paper (or pc's and laptops) like you did in your childhood.
Last edited by lvnba; 08-19-2015 at 07:47 PM.