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Old 08-26-2015, 11:46 AM   #12
IcedCoffee1983's Arena
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Re: Super Sim broken? Best clock settings for player only CFM?

This has been messed up for at least 4-5 years.

The real problem is that super sim does not take the accelerated clock into effect. So only 6-10 seconds comes off per play simulated. If you play with 15 minute quarters and 20 sec accelerate clock you get a realistic amount of possessions (120-130 per game) and stats when you play a full game. But when using super sim that same 15 minute game will suddenly have 250+ possessions and laughably high inflated stats.

The only way to avoid this issue to not use super sim at all, or use 6-7 minute quarters and turn acclelerated clock off completely so both you and the CPU will have about the same amount possession time.

I don't know why they have never fixed this. I even Tweeted them about it, and dutifully listed in bug threads for a couple years, but year after year it never gets fixed.

I think they don't view it as broken (kind of a head scratcher) or they can't fix it because it breaks something else. So I don't think it will ever be fixed and will never take the accelerated clock into affect.

It took them 4 years to fix that the wind arrow pointed in the wrong direction during FG's and XP's. And that was a lot more obvious than this. So I'm guessing it will take another 4-5 years for them to fix this.
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