08-27-2015, 11:29 AM
Re: 500,000 selling cap on the market now!
The interesting thing about the stub cap is that it guarantees nobody else will ever get patriotic gear again. Somebody with millions of stubs is 8-15 orders deep at 499,999 on the sell side for all of them. This means people can't even list them on the buy side because you can't go over 499,999.
If you want one now, you'd have to put up a buy order for 499,999 and get in line behind the guy with all the orders up. With how limited the stuff is, I don't think those orders will ever be filled. One guy basically blocked the rest of the community from ever owning patriotic equipment.
I'm really glad I didn't sell my complete set of them when the prices were crazy. I'd never get them back.
Edit: guess the 10,000,000 stub cap fixed all that.
Last edited by Cezar24; 08-27-2015 at 04:37 PM.