08-28-2015, 05:53 PM
OVR: 3
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ocho - uno - tres
Posts: 613
Re: NHL 16 Player Ratings - Top 10 Goalies
Smh.... There's a 4 point gap between Carey Price, and Cory Schneider?!
The rating scale is so small it's ridiculous. If my real life self was in the game I'd be a 72 ovr. And I can't even skate. It's like EA are afraid to hurt anyone's feelings, so they give everyone a 80+ rating. And people wonder why all teams play the same. Smh
I'm know I'm a homer, but the Lightning beat the top two goalies on this list in the playoffs last year. Big Ben deserves to be up there.
Bucs, Lighting, Rays,