08-31-2015, 05:33 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 446
Re: Importing celebs and players photos in nba 2k16
This picture scan technology has been available but if I remember correctly in reading about this a couple years ago there is some kind of legal issue. The issue isn't with the picture scan itself but with you using the athlete's name in the cap. Like I said because it was years ago I don't quite remember the exact context of what the legal issue was. Something along the lines of sports games circumventing getting a person's permission to use their name/image in a game. As I remember it wasn't clear if it would be a violation or not but gaming companies didn't want to even risk the legal hassles. Now it may be allowable now, IDK. Now that being said I do think it would be sooooo awesome if we could do this in NBA 2K.