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Old 09-02-2015, 02:52 PM   #60
ChaseB's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K16 Gameplay Blog with Mike Wang

Originally Posted by yellow86
Wow I've been a real pessimist because of all the failures, false promises and letdowns but this is just sick! Those improvements are basically 90% of what people have been asking for and more Basically too much to get into!

I will say this though, I have a feeling that passing is going to be a letdown again. I don't see anything truly new in that description other than the holding of buttons to call for players to move and to pass when letting go. There's still no (mention of):
- a button for chest pass
- a jumping overhead pass (many players do this to avoid interception)
- a pass around the side (decide which side you want to pass)
- a touch pass or ability to decide the speed of the pass

Well done on the other things though, I have a feeling rebounding, blocking shots, moving around (off the ball), late game situations, play calling are just going to be so much more realistic and useful this year.
Reading those passing controls already in the game though, I already feel slightly overwhelmed. Plus, as someone else said, it goes to icon passing usually anyway. It's cool there's a slider there now for whether you want accuracy of stick direction or openness but I still can't see myself going away from icon passing and thus missing out on the passing controls anyway (but it's still awesome they're adding in oodles of new animations and improvements to passing).

As for the post game:

I'm happy the 2K team is always ready to change things if they think it's needed, but I still get a chuckle out of the fact that the post play controls have changed again. It's just one of those things they can never settle on, but they'll keep trying to find that thing that works.
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