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Old 09-06-2015, 03:45 PM   #234
stillfeelme's Arena
OVR: 10
Join Date: Aug 2010
Re: NBA 2K16 Gameplay Blog With Da_Czar

Originally Posted by rjohns23
As a 100% Myleague player, according to your response, for example, the LA Clippers will always play like the LA Clippers no matter the coach in regard to ACE? I know in previous games, the playbooks stay with the coach, I assuming that will still be the same this year.

and just to be clear are you saying that ACE is hard coded for each team? If I do 30 team control , can I change a teams ACE philosophy/scheme during my Myleague?

What they said was defensive ACE is tied to the actual coach.
Offensive freelance offense was tied to team. I am thinking this includes playbooks as well.

The only way I say you want to change certain aspects of how ACE is handled would be to completely re-do rosters and teams from sctratch starting with the offensive freelance you want on the current team. However if you are personally controlling the one team you can change the freelance how you want and change the defense how you like.
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