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Old 09-06-2015, 05:36 PM   #243
NDAlum's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K16 Gameplay Blog With Da_Czar

Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
The world's most popular game has a steep learning curve. They call it chess. I'm MORE than fine with this game getting more and more challenging for the RIGHT reasons. I'm sure most of the OS crowd would agree and I even think Lil' Billy would agree too.
Yea my statement wasn't one saying the game is too deep. I didn't play basketball in HS due to focusing on baseball (that was the sport I had a chance to make a living with).

I absolutely love playing basketball but it's never been in a structured environment where I had to learn offensive systems.

I just see everybody praising it and I sit here wondering if I'm the only person on OS who doesn't have a working knowledge of all the systems described in Da_Czar's blog.

I'm excited to get into practice and watch some YouTube videos from the guys on OS who talk about real basketball.
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