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Old 09-09-2015, 07:59 PM   #572
Culture Rot
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Re: NBA 2K16 Gameplay Blog Wth Scott O'Gallagher

Originally Posted by vannwolfhawk
For me it was the most balanced game between the offense and defense. It was a great game out of the box! I think most people remember how challenging it was out of the box. We had the plays added, online leagues were the best they ever had with sliders, online website, commish tools, etc. They added classic teams that year I believe? 1st year of Jordan? The server for me at least in 11 with our league was good with not a lot of issues. Defense was great (sure there was a forcefield) but you could win a game on the defensive end and you felt in control online or offline and not like you were on skates. I could really go on and on.

But yes games after it added some great things like in depth playbooks, more realistic defense, a far better dribbling mechanic, etc. but some things got better and other areas got worse and it feels to me that the last 3-4 years offense has been overpowered. But like I said, some areas got worse like online leagues being barebones or practice plays missing, etc. features went untouched or got removed. I want to say 11 was pretty well done with all features. Correct me if I'm wrong was crew in 11 or 12?

All in all I just think out of the box it was a well balanced game. It was a game I had the most fun with in a long time! I havnt played 2k since that game all year long like I did that year. But if I was to go back now and play 11 after playing 12,13,14, and 15 I probably couldn't do it. I think it's most memories of that game that year and most people remember being happy with that game all year long.
So your basically saying, judging it for its time, it was the best. "Out Of The Box" I can see that. But my point is, in 2015, is there really any argument to say that 2k11 is the better game to play than 2k12, 2k13, 2k14, or 2k15? It seems ridiculous. Strictly judging it on the core gameplay, 2k11 is leaps back from its successors. The problems with THOSE games lie in sheer laziness of the ratings, the random tendencies, etc. If you've got proper rosters, good sliders, the more current games blow 2k11 away.
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