Madden NFL 16 Title Update #1 Available Now, Roster Update Scheduled For Friday
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09-10-2015, 12:19 AM
OVR: 7
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Kansas City
Re: Madden NFL 16 Title Update #1 Available Now, Roster Update Scheduled For Friday
Originally Posted by
well i'm not sure what is happening. i'm on PS4
just played a half as the 49'ers Vs the Pats.
Brady's stats at half time
12 - 17 161 yards 2TD's. No sacks, no rushing yards, he left the pocket once only to get to around the line of scrimmage and throw the ball away.
He wasn't even hanging onto the ball for long. lots of slants and quick hitters. He hit Gronk for a 49 yard TD and LaFell for a 18 yard TD and had another long conversion with edelmann for about 36 yards.
pretty much played a tom brady-esque, perfect half of football.
i'm not sure what some people are seeing, but i'm not noticing any difference with the qb play, post-patch.
After the tuner, i notice tackling isn't as effective. lots more busted tackles and this is a really good thing, imo ...
Ive played one game against the Texans and it seemd fine to me. Mallet ran 3 or 4 times but his receivers were completely covered and he threw the ball away at times as well.
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