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Old 09-11-2015, 11:58 AM   #935
OVR: 1
Join Date: Apr 2005
Re: Madden NFL 16 Title Update #1 Available Now, Roster Update Scheduled For Friday

Originally Posted by T5063
Me as well, I have one hour to an hour and a half most nights to myself giving me enough time to play one game and then mess around with roster moves, scouting etc. I have no desire to do any kind of workarounds or 32 team control. Besides, I'm already going nutty with all the testing I've been doing the last few weeks.

I'm just gonna start up my CFM as soon as the roster comes out, and then just live with any bugs that are left in the game. If it really become unbearable and not enjoyable there is always NHL, NBA2k16 and FIFA around the corner for my sports game fix.

This is supposed to be my hobby and hobbies arent supposed to be this stressful.

Same here, 3 kids wife and a job, along with coaching some youth sports. That being said I think 32 team control is wise to consider, it sounds like its a one time setup that ultimately will make the game play better. I've grown frustrated from seeing this play so authentic in play now to total crap in CFM by week 6. 71 ovr backup qb throwing for 86% on the money every time is not fun either, it was more wait for the rb to fumble or a penalty to push them back. No defense was stopping it. I'm going to consider the 32 team control, I want to get the best gameplay and have fun exciting games when I can play. Beyond setup it doesn't sound like theres much more control. I believe you can tune everything for select teams to CPU control.
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