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Old 09-14-2015, 10:08 AM   #109
El_Poopador's Arena
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Re: NBA Live 16 Gameplay Video - 10 Minutes of Rising Star Mode

It looks pretty solid to me. There is definitely a lot more movement off the ball, which is fantastic. The layup off the screen by Russell was gorgeous, and I loved the help that pulled from the corner, even if it was late. I love the fluidity on catch and shoot animations, especially when they're running to the catch; they actually plant and turn for the shot rather than their feet sliding into place. That is beautiful, and something that has been on my wish list for both games for a while.

That being said, the stuff around the basket still looks a little awkward, specifically going back up after an offensive rebound. That sequence at 3:30 was cringeworthy. Hopefully that is cleaned up before release, but a lot of those animations were in Live 14/15. Other than that, though, I liked most of what I saw, and this looks like it's going to be a solid year for Live.
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