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Old 09-15-2015, 01:54 PM   #10
canucksss's Arena
OVR: 13
Join Date: Jan 2003
Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Originally Posted by Tonic
The reason there's not enough penalties is that the CPU is programmed to go for the hit rather than try to poke check or stick lift. If they can release a tuner that will cause the CPU to go for the poke check or stick lift more often, we would see a LOT more penalties.
Yes, totally agree with you. I hope EA would release a tuner ASAP for the CPU/AI to do those you suggested so we could see variation of penalties, just like in real NHL game.

Originally Posted by jake19ny
No offense but to suggest that the very large majority of guys on this board are not seeing penalties because they don't play the game properly is a tad insulting and flat out ridiculous. Even if your right and your the only one who knows how to draw penalties that would be a huge fail on EAs part. No two people play the same and penalties should be a part of any NHL game period. Wether your a casual gamer who just picked up the game or an expert like yourself, they should be called. It's been a problem for the past few releases and needs to be addressed like they did in Madden, which suffered the same issue for years. The new tuner said it would increase penalties I hope they are right.
I know he is a big fan of EA's NHL and that is fine. But to say that we need to play certain way to get penalties is just like "fishing" for one, not natural. I want to see fluidity in the play and not just "fishing" for penalty. Sure, puck play could result in penalty, especially if CPU lines are tired.

I think it was "11 when there was absolutely 0-2 penalties (at 10 min/period). And at the beginning of "12, same thing except the tuner made the difference. Penalties are big concerns of mine, so I will be watching the developments regarding this issue and some, before pulling the credit card.
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