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Old 09-16-2015, 08:15 AM   #21
OVR: 3
Join Date: Mar 2013
Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Originally Posted by Therion7
There really shouldn't have to be any necessary style of playing though to get penalties in a game that features a penalty slider.

I do agree that the method of turning quickly when receiving the puck after some concerted pressure in the AI zone is the most effective way to draw slashes or tripping but at the risk of repeating myself, all of the other hockey infractions that used to feature in 11 are now like hen's teeth. That's not right. They're a big part of the real sport.

Even if you play like some many YouTube videos do and unleash a shot on goal as soon as you enter the zone, you'd still see plenty of PPs if the CPU pen slider was set to max in the earlier NHL titles when this simply wasn't a problem.

It IS a problem now and for an unfathomable reason the devs don't want to or cannot undo the changes they've made. It's entirely possible for them to know if the game is between two human players or human versus CPU so I cannot accept that the change was a high level decision to accommodate online needs.

As a development fella myself, I'd genuinely love to know why penalties are such an issue when they did have it nailed in 9, 10 and 11. No one complained then!
Hi Ill respond to the bold , But thats how you draw penalties in the NHL ? you know when you control the the puck for long periods of time in the Off zone and get the D scrambling and frustrated and same when their over aggressive in the D zone when you have the puck .

Now if your talking about other types of penalties I also showed the variance in the box scores and obviously its not perfect but its also not the problem some have complained about at least not for me .

But many just tweak apart the game before just playing it and then their chasing their tails most of the year looking for some magical sim nirvana that doesnt exist .
Remember if your lowering the game speed , aggression , hit power ect you are then changing the game and what it was programmed to do and Im no einstein on this game but I do know every action has a reaction .

Slider Example : raise goalie skill to max and not only do the goalies react faster but your defenseman also become tons better positionally ect .
Finally Roster share in NHL 22 ! Dreams do come true ! To Garryowen and Glory boys !

Last edited by THESHAMISASHAME; 09-16-2015 at 08:17 AM. Reason: spelling
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