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Old 09-16-2015, 08:51 AM   #183
nova91's Arena
OVR: 14
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Charlotte, NC
Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

Interior defense is a joke. You can have the whole team in there trying to stop the ball and the offensive player will just push them out of the way and put up the most F'd up looking, high arcing layup and it will go in nothing but net or you will get dunked on.

Again, rebounding is bad. The animations are slow, unresponsive, and ugly. Yeah, ratings should play a factor but, if you're standing right there all by yourself and you time your rebounding attempt right you should get the ball, not look like Derpy McDerperson and miss and watch it bounce ever so slowly into the opponents hands.

Passing is a nope. They float far too often which makes them easily stolen.

Steals are another thing. I hardly ever see any on ball steals, like 2 in 20+ games. They always come from taking floaty pass. Unless you have a moderately low steal rating, then you look like Derpy McDerperson as your player reacts to your button press 5 seconds too late. The steal animations are bad as well, even good defenders look like a fish outta water flailing about on steal attempts.

Shot contest. In Pro-Am you get a shot contest directive, I contest every shot that comes at me and none register. I've blocked a shot and it didn't count. WTF counts as a shot contest?

Player movement is slow, clunky, unresponsive and forced. The game will take over and force your guy to run into a screen or post up.

I'm gonna keep playing the demo because I have nothing else better to do but, this game will be a no buy, AT ALL. Not $5, $10, $20 and definitely not $60. I'd have a hard time playing this even if it was given to me for free.
Say "No" to railroaded MC modes.

Last edited by nova91; 09-16-2015 at 10:51 AM.
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