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Old 09-16-2015, 10:57 AM   #24
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

I'm an old school 360 guy - so I'm playing the "NHL Legacy" edition, and I'll admit: I'm having a LOT of fun playing it. I tinkered with something last night in my sliders...I'm a hard-core, highest level simulation guy. So know that I don't care for the arcade hockey game, and I also realize this forum is for the Xbox One (though I'm strongly considering purchasing one for myself, as I got our oldest son one last year). But my point:

I turned down the game speed slider to ONE. I then turned up the CPU acceleration slider to MAX, and then turned the human acceleration slider to 5 (one click below max). I had a total of 8 penalties called (8 min. periods). I've seen a high sticking double minor. I have seen the cpu get a 5 minute game misconduct. And there has been a variety.

What I THINK is happening is that with the slower speed the cpu and AI controlled players have to make quicker decisions, and since they aren't skating at warp speed, those decisions can't be made as quickly. Also, for anyone who thinks the skaters are stuck in the sand, with the highest acceleration settings, the players actually move at a really nice skating speed.

I've played the EA NHL series for many years (I still have NHL 2002 for the original xbox in my collection). I'm not saying that I've found the solution, and I don't know how this translates to the Xbox One - but wanted to throw out something I've seen. I'm getting a nice variety and nice amount of penalties - so you guys might give that a go and see what you think.
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