09-20-2015, 11:19 PM
Dirk has been Dirk his whole career. Decent d at his best and a decent rebounder. When you play like Dirk with Dirk (especially older MyTeam incarnations)
He is Ungardable. Bill Russell, Mutumbo, Pink Lebron etc, no one could guard him in 2k15. (I know this from experience.) He is too tall and he post shots and jumper is too easy to get to get perfect. But here's what made him unguardable:
In 2k15 Dirk has the shot creator badge which given his ratings made him unstoppable against natural bigs when used right. Shot creator is a perimeter badge so post lockdown D and (remember Bigs couldnt get lockdown perimeter badges) did nothing. All you had to do was tap Directional tap for the pull up and they'd get lost. And with his range, lethal.
So if 2k didn't "fix" this, those of you that are complaining about Dirks rating, be glad its at a 84.
Last edited by AyeBruhChill; 09-20-2015 at 11:21 PM.