I read Krebstar mention in the slider thread that the tactics may not be working in the retail version, after seeming to have an effect in the demo version. Figured I would start a topic to see what, if anything, can be done to make these work. They worked well in FIFA 14, but not last year. It would be disappointing if they did not work again.
I played a match last night as Arsenal at Watford. I looked at Who Scored to find a team that plays long balls and they have Watford as one of those clubs. I changed their custom tactics once the match started and set them to a Speed of 80, Passing of 80 and Shooting of 80 and Defensive Line to Offside Trap.
Only played a half, but they did not play any long balls, not one. The game seemed quicker and more frantic then others I have played. It was the first time I played a match with two EPL teams, but it had that EPL pace. Not sure if setting their Speed to 80 caused that, just something I noticed.
I set their speed that high as EA put out a
video last year discussing custom tactics. The explanation mentioned that the Speed setting should match up with the Passing setting, and that a higher speed setting produces faster passes and longer balls.
I was using the community sliders when playing the match. Not sure if sliders effect anything, but who knows since it may not be working correctly.
Has anyone tried the tactics in the retail version and had success with them working?