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Old 09-25-2015, 09:51 PM   #93
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King_B_Mack's Arena
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Re: Disappointing News on Divas in WWE 2K16

I be fair about the whole situation. People on these forums were still talking about women's wrestling in the context of taking a piss break and not giving a damn about that portion of the product during some of the live Raw threads before this whole "divas revolution" stuff when some of us were calling for giving the ladies more time and calling up Sasha, Charlotte, etc. That was around the time the roster was probably being finalized and yet now people are throwing bitch fits about them not being in the game?

Given the nature of WWE programming at the time and the general sentiments about women's wrestling from a very loud portion of the interwebs I don't think 2K really underestimated the popularity of Sasha/Charlotte/Becky/etc so much as they couldn't predict the future that WWE would suddenly decide to give a damn about them and really push them this year.
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