09-27-2015, 06:54 PM
Farewell and 'ado
OVR: 19
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Chicago
Posts: 4,696
NBA 2K16 Available Today, Post Your Impressions Here
I'm having a tough time adjusting from 2k15, which I loved on the court.
I always knock down perimeter D and up the help D, as I feel one on one, good dribblers can usually get an angle on a defender.
Even with the defense knocked down, I'm having a real hard time getting my guy to get a step on the Defense to get towards the hole.
The revamped controls are also messing with me big time.
Right now, as far as on court gameplay goes, im leaning towards 2k15.
I'm sure I'll get better though. I think I felt this from 14-15 as well.
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