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Old 09-28-2015, 11:10 AM   #1
Yeah...THAT Guy
Once in a Lifetime Memory
Yeah...THAT Guy's Arena
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MyPlayer Clothes Locking/Unlocking

Not sure if anyone else has had the same issue, but I noticed that when my player was in high school/college, almost all of the MyPark shirts were unlocked, along with various shirts, hats, shoes, etc. This was on Friday night.

When I fired up MyPlayer again yesterday, I noticed that basically all of the clothing options had been locked up again. For example, I put an Air Jordan shirt on my player, and despite the fact that he's literally still wearing it, the catalog shows that I no longer own it. The only shirt that I now own is a plain gray t-shirt.

I'm not sure if this is a glitch, or if it was originally a glitch that all of these options were available and it's since been fixed, or what, but I found it a little strange.

Anyways, it's not that big of a deal to me, but it was just something that I noticed when I was checking the catalog out last night.
NFL: Bills
NBA: Bucks
MLB: Cubs
NCAA: Syracuse
Soccer: USMNT/DC United

PSN: ButMyT-GunDont
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