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Old 09-28-2015, 08:27 PM   #37
Factzzz's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K16 Roster Update Request Thread (No Rating Discussions)

What's the deal with Stance socks? The designed ones, not just the plain solid color ones. I haven't seen them since I got the game.

I assume you (Beds) have to do it yourself through a roster update..? If that's the case, can you put the designed stance socks in the next roster update for each team, because i'm waiting to start my MyCareer with those socks instead of the plain solid color ones.

Also the Mavs are wearing white socks with their road jerseys currently, if it's gonna be a solid color (and not the designed stance socks) then it should be black, not white.

As mentioned before as well, Golden State should have white leg accessories at home, and the Pistons should wear black shoes on the road with their black socks, the shoes are currently white.

Pistons SF Stanley Johnson should also wear compression pants, medium socks, and Kobe 10s

How often can we expect roster updates as well?
NFL : Atlanta Falcons
MLB : Toronto Blue Jays

Last edited by Factzzz; 10-01-2015 at 02:15 PM.
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