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Old 09-29-2015, 08:39 AM   #2
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bcruise's Arena
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Re: September 29th Tuner Thread

Thanks Mill!

Offline impressions

Settings: All-Star, 10 minute periods, Penalties one click down from max

Sliders: Mostly Hardcore default, except:

Game Speed zeroed
All Shot and Pass Accuracy sliders zeroed
Pass Speed zeroed
User Strategy 4 and User AI penalties up 1 tick (to match the CPU team's settings)

Only 2 games so far. 10 minute periods are a time commitment and I had a Madden league game last night. Hope to play some more today, I'm having a hard time putting this down since the last tuner dropped.

Here's the video of one of the games (repost from other thread):

Still plays solid to me, for what the game is. I know the poke-checking is a big deal to some, but with my play style and these sliders I don't think I'm going to run into much trouble there. Shot totals are close enough to what I was getting in the last tuner.

Might experiment with bumping the wrist shot accuracy back up a tick or two, I hate seeing breakaway shots miss the goal. That's not a tuner thing though, it's been constant with the older tuner as well with those sliders bottomed out.

Someday I'd like to have this kind of gameplay and shot totals in full 20 minute periods (or at least allow the sliders to do that), and get some more neutral zone play in the game. But I do like the sense of purpose the AI has in the offensive zone - makes me play good positional D or I pay for it.

I'd also like to see the choice of tuners return - being able to choose from only the first one or the latest one seems like a waste of that menu option. Would also eliminate "the last tuner was better" complaints - people could just use whichever one suits them best.

Last edited by bcruise; 09-29-2015 at 08:47 AM.
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