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Old 09-29-2015, 08:57 AM   #3
jake19ny's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Re: September 29th Tuner Thread

I play offline and used altered sliders that I had used with the previous tuner (good results then) I have only played two games with new tuner but the difference was instantly noticeable.
EDIT: Played 5 games now

better neutral zone play and pressure by the CPU defense in the neutral zone
Tighter skating

I do not spam the poke check and still WAY TOO MANY tripping penalties
Game speed got faster
Goalies are terrible now
Hitting seemed over the top and in the defensive end I think it takes the CPU out of position as they go for the hit. I'm seeing more breakaways and 2 on 1s as a result.
For both CPU and User I feel like a guy is always open camped next to the net and I didn't see that before the tuner. also I'm seeing way more rebounds and many of those go right to that camped guy for an easy goal
Seeing CPU guys on both teams kind of goal hanging.
Before the tuner I was impressed with the fact that finally the CPU actually went off sides, iced the puck, and pucks left the rink at a rather realistic rate. That seems to be gone now and its more just back and forth.

Overall I feel the game is more arcade like with this tuner and more sim like with the old one. I've tweaked some sliders to make it playable but I was really happier with the old tuner.

If Rammer is going to check these posts out I wonder if he can answer why they choose to overwrite the tuners rather than have multiple tuners like in NHL 14. It seems to me that some of these tuners help online at the expense of offline and vise versa. Wouldn't it be better if we could choose what tuner works best?

Also want to apologize to my fellow forumers for my anger fueled original thread on this subject. I should know better. It's always wise to never post anything on any social media when angry. This is the kind of thread I should have made. Thanks

Last edited by jake19ny; 09-29-2015 at 11:48 AM.
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