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Old 10-01-2015, 11:49 AM   #85
shogunofharlem3's Arena
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Re: NHL 16 Tuner Update For September 28

Originally Posted by Money99
So what exactly are the pro's/con's of the 30th tuner compared to 28th?

Or what did the 28th do better than the 30th?
From what I played last night, that feeling of the AI cheating was back, in my opinion. They didn't dump, they just kept like side stepping me and working their way to the slot without anything I could do, they kept burying the puck.

I will say this, I have the AI difficulty adjustment slider at 0 and after the tuner it was at 3. When I put it back it felt a bit better. They also put AI Learning at 3, which I usually have at 1.

Otherwise, I can't put my finger on it. But it was more frustrating than the day before. Still better than 15 and those prior. But different
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