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Old 10-05-2015, 05:12 AM   #906
OVR: 7
Join Date: Sep 2007
Re: NBA 2K16 Available Today, Post Your Impressions Here

I'm not having as many matching issues as you guys. My last few games I was matched up with Boston and Minnesota. I've also faced a plethora of other mid-tier teams (no low-tier yet though). Granted I've played the Warriors twice, Cavs once, OKC once, Rockets twice.

I only use Milwaukee and the Jazz, I'm 14-2. The only team that I was frustrated playing is the Cavs. For some reason JR Smith, Varejao, etc. are complete lock down defenders. Shumpert and JR are both deadly shooters with amazing handles, it's like having 3 Kyrie Irvings featuring LeBron. Watching Shumpert hit 3 after 3 (contested or not) was frustrating.. What was worse is that the guy I was playing wasn't very good but he didn't have to do much to win, that team is just a dominant all-2k team.
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