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Old 10-05-2015, 09:31 PM   #1
OVR: 2
Join Date: Aug 2012
Can't get perfect release on three point shots?

I've been playing 2K since 09, so I'd like to think I'm at least decent at the game. However, as I've been playing I can't help but notice that perfect releases on three point shots are beyond rare.

I played on rookie casual on my career (with maxed out jump shooting for an outside oriented 6'7 SF with boost) just to test it out and I was able to get the perfect release, but even then it was rare. Playing on superstar sim in MyLeague as the Bulls, I believe I got a perfect release three with Dunleavy a grand total of one time in 10 games. In 2K15, DunDun was $$$, but now I'm shooting 28% on wide open shots. A lot of the times, I'd be getting those pseudo-perfect releases. What I mean by that is I'd get the release dead on in the center but the perfect release wouldn't trigger.

Am I the only one having this issue? Because I can take one step inside the arc (or I can literally be standing on the line) and I'll get the perfect release much more often. I know that they increased three point shot difficulty for 16, but it feels a little overboard.
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