10-08-2015, 09:08 PM
Yea I'm done with this mode. Rubberband assistance is back.
Guys on the main 2k16 section refuse to let reality affect them, the fact of the matter is that the rubberband A.I is back.
It's obvious when I'm starting to pull way early in the game (as it is always the case) but around the 8-12 point lead mark, you can just sense the game sliders being rigged right before your eyes.
Say all the sliders are at 50. I guarantee that all of them change to 40(you) and 60 (opponent) until the game is close again, then both player's sliders reset to 50, and rinse and repeat.
Say it's fake or whatever, but I can literally see my players being dumber and slower, getting called for every foul on a drive, and missing easy shots, and vice versa when I'm down huge (which isn't often).