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Old 10-09-2015, 04:18 PM   #5
manu1433's Arena
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Join Date: May 2014
Re: In game substitution issue

Originally Posted by lsu4life86
thanks for the info helped a lot. ill be sure to look in that thread. but wtf did they make it so complicated. seems like they over thought this which should not have been changed in the first place

also i wish we could change the different type of line ups: tall, bench, etc to whatever we want
You can in the the pregame load screen.

Just cycle through the premade lineups and put the players you want in them. I do it every game. We've had that option for a while now.

One thing I don't understand though, is why we can't cycle through lineup types if we pause the game and go into the substitution screen from there. Would like to be able to edit pre-made lineups during the game too.

Last edited by manu1433; 10-09-2015 at 04:20 PM.
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