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Old 10-16-2015, 07:59 AM   #43
jake19ny's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Re: NHL 16 Roster Update Released, Now Includes Rookies

Why should we have to create anyone? I understand the CHL/AHL thing but there always ends up that there are missing guys who shouldn't be. No other sports game is as lazy and incompetent with it's rosters as the NHL series. I'm also sick of hearing about budget being an issue. Budget has zero to do with taking a few minutes to add the players picture to the game. Budget has zero to do with making a guy the wrong hand or 30 lbs lighter than he is. Budget has zero to do with the fact your play by play name list is the shortest in any sports game and has not grown since 2009. Budget has nothing to do with the fact that your game has barely changed since 2009. If budget truly has you that handcuffed then get out of the sports gaming industry. Time for a new developer to step in.

Last edited by jake19ny; 10-16-2015 at 08:01 AM.
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