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Old 10-16-2015, 07:00 PM   #19
hedop's Arena
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Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Greifswald, Germany
Re: Please Ban Hackers on PC

I use Cheat Engine myself but not online. I have my player and I stick with him, that's the one I grind out. The problem was the same last year so I don't see a change coming. 2k knew about it. On the Pre-Release day there was a table up, I know because I'm a forum member of cheat engine, within 2 hours. Why? Because the gaps from last year haven't been fixed. That is just really bad work tbh. Especially because it's easy to fix.

I do not condone the use of Cheat Engine for online play in whatever mode. I do however think that it is the prerogative of the person who bought a game for well over 50 Euro to do with it as he pleases as long as he doesn't do it online and disrupt other people's fun with the game. I do not see the point of grinding and grinding again because I'd like to have a second career or a third to just enjoy myself and play ball, especially because I put in the hours in 2k15, 2k14, 2k13, 2k12 and 2k11. I think I have earned the right not to be forced to do that again and again and again every time I fancy starting a career on a different position. Why do it with VC? Simple because if you do it offline you are not allowed to use the fabulous shop so you can't dress your player appropriately for the cutscenes and the likes. I also think it's fairly low of 2k to make me buy jumpshots, dunk packages etc. again and again for MyPlayer when I start a new career. I think 5.000 VC is plenty for the Jordan Dunk Package and I think buying it once should be sufficient.

Personally I also don't see the point of playing with players who are "enhanced" in this manner and to this extent. I also don't see the fun in farming VC via the stats option, crashing servers, manipulating stats in MT so you can win against an opponent online and so forth. There is just no point to it. I don't do it. I am however fairly certain that if you somehow manage to shut CE for 2k16 down you will lose probably a third maybe more of the park. Those are not the guys who abuse it in the way shown by you but the guys who, like me, don't want to grind after the 100th iteration of the game and the same mode. So they get their player up to 85-90 which is something you can do with buying VC and playing the game for 30 hours or so and then go online. They don't add badges or what not they just don't want to or can not, for lack of time, spend 200 hours to get there, which is what it would take to get there grinding.

BUT the fixes for the problem would be easy. On the other hand I think it's also borderline what you do here in terms of posting whatsapp conversations and the likes... that's a bit of witch hunt and fairly nasty and also violates the right to privacy quite badly because I'm sure he didn't give you his consent to publish your stuff. For all I care have guys who find hackers report to you, collect the user names and then report them to the 2k support but don't do it like that... shaming people will never work... they only get more nasty. They are trolls remember?
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