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Old 10-22-2015, 12:59 PM   #4
OVR: 16
Join Date: May 2004
Re: The Whining Ends Now

There is a fine line between "whining" and constructive criticism. The problem lies in the fact that we as a community, don't feel like we're "heard". As much as EA says, or said, they would be more part of the community and presence known, we have yet to hear anything.

With all the game play issues occurring, the tuners that overwrite "good" tuners, or tuners that take away what was working fine, or tuners that don't apply fixes to game play it gets frustrating.

We are constantly discovering, on our own, what certain sliders affect. Even though the description of the CPU Strategy slider mentions the amount of strategy adjustment the CPU makes in game, we are finding that lowering this to 1 is creating a more "choppy" game play?? Why is that? Why does a slider that says one thing, affect something else?

Is Puck Control at 0 or 6 make the puck more loose? Description sounds like it should be 6....some have found it works better at 0. Again, no response from EA for clarification. We pay good money for their product and yes, we do expect them to support the product they push out the door. Especially with all the marketing.

We wanted better game play last year, we got hot dog vendors.
We wanted better game play this year, they gave us mascots.
Not all sliders save when exiting the slider adjustment area. This was a problem last and again this year.

So is EA listening to us as they say they are? I say no. And this is where the fine line is drawn between what you call "whining" and constructive criticism. We've been down the constructive criticism path with them many, many times to no avail. Now, it becomes frustrating so yes, you will have that "whining"....and majority of the time, rightfully so.

Should the community "rip" on the devs personally? No. But it's a fine line and when a large community feels they aren't being heard, they respond harshly.

When "redshirt" used to frequent these forums, we got feedback and help with the game. It helped us understand it better. Now, silence.

EA keeps getting voted the worst company to work for. They don't help their cause by continuing to ignore the consumers who buy their products and help keep them in business.
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