10-27-2015, 07:59 PM
OVR: 46
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Guard The Land
Posts: 16,977
Re: WWE 2K16 Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here
Yeah, the AI is great. Almost too good. I just had an incredible match as Balor vs Itami and I ended up winning with the Coup De Grace at the end. And was able to kick out of Itami's finisher somehow. My only issue I had with the match was Itami seemed to be able to reverse at will. But I fought through them with some well timed reversals of my own.
I still think finishers are under-powered. Hopefully this is something 2K can patch?
I also hope someone comes up with some good sliders because I think there needs to be a tweak here and there, but in the end, this game is awesome.
I have never felt more rewarded winning a match in a wrestling game than I just did with Balor. I jumped up and screamed when the ref hit 3.