11-03-2015, 03:49 PM
Aside from the blatantly obvious needed change in commentary and presentation, I've compiled a list of things (more or less smaller things) to add/change in MLB 16:
1. New Brands:
-New Balance
2. Add more pieces of equipment per brand.
3. Allow starting pitchers to be used in relief when all relievers have been used.
4. Add the possibility to get "Create-a-player" cards with different tiers in Diamond Dynasty packs. These tiers give the user a certain overall you can train that player up to. (i.e. Bronze 69-77, Silver 78-84, Gold 85-92, Diamond 93-99)
5. Add option to wear different types of socks for day and night games. (Ex: David Wright wears high socks during day games, but pants during night games.)
6. Get the license to add real minor league players.
7. For fake players, too many of them look like unnatural baseball players. Too many of them wear turtlenecks, low socks, have no or only one batting glove, etc. Many of these players are also very small in height, especially for their positions. (i.e. 5'10" first basemen)
8. Add ability to change editable position players to pitchers and vice versa. (Ex: If I create a player as a SS, allow me to change that player to a pitcher if desired after creating him.)
9. Bring back the classic stadiums for PS4. Their cards are useless if the stadiums aren't playable.
10. Bring back Sounds of the Show for PS4. (Personalized walk-up music, chants, etc)
11. Add ability to play in standard game views for fielding in RTTS (Medium, High, Broadcast, Dynamic)
12. Bring back RTTS goals and coach signs. It provides a much more realistic feel as a singular player.
13. Add checkmark boxes for secondary positions instead of giving preset positions. (For example, being a 3B and wanting to play 1B, 2B, and RF as secondaries)
14. When a player returns from an injury in Franchise, add the option to place them on the roster where they were before their injury. (Instead of auto-utilizing them back into the lineup and screwing up your entire lineup order.)
15. Add the ability to scan your face into the game.
16. Make scenery outside the stadium more realistic.
17. Add rehab stints for injured players.
18. Bring back King of the Diamond.
19. Don't remove any players from the game when adding new ones in, keep them off the 40-man roster on the teams they play for and place them on the AAA affiliate of that team. (Multiple players were taken out of the game to make room for new players. Their cards are still available for purchase in the community market, so make them available to play with.)
20. Add a trade option to Diamond Dynasty.