11-08-2015, 09:59 AM
OVR: 3
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 281
Re: NHL 16 Patch 1.04 Available Now For Xbox One & PS4, Full Details Included
Thanks to PS4's option to download updates by itself I also got 1.04 patch and I must say that I'm really disappointed. I used my own slider set and game was really different. Players were much more passive and I could easily walk in front of the net. One thing which I was really happy earlier was that Defense was rock solid. Now it's all ****ed thanks to 1.04. I was very satisfied earlier with my slider settings combined with first patch and liked how game played offline. Now it's all ruined.
Thank you EA for being such a bull**** company to cater for online fans, once again. I have no other option than delete NHL16 and start new adventures with no-patch & out-of-the-box-tuner.
Edit: Tried this game with no-patch and just wow, there's no option to put Icon OFF. I also used my custom rosters and goalies didn't wear any gloves. Seems like I have to play with patch after all. May I say again that this is BS!
Last edited by pm83; 11-08-2015 at 10:13 AM.