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Old 11-10-2015, 02:48 PM   #9
jake19ny's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Re: Why this series is dying

Originally Posted by bigwill33
We're still talking about the same kids that joined OS to become eligible for the position to represent our concerns/needs/desires and now never post here, right? An EA designed and run program in an attempt to improve the overall product and gameplay.

If any of that doesn't exactly sum up the state of this franchise and series, then I don't know what does.
No doubt they were not the right people and EA cherry picked them but I'm thinking even if they had us there we would not have been allowed to seen this game in offline action. I'm not sure they would listen to us either. The "Game Changers" were a marketing ploy that most of us regulars and hardcore hockey guys saw right through.
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