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Old 11-17-2015, 11:42 PM   #780
ViolenceFight's Arena
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Re: NBA 2K16 Patch #3 Available Now on PS4, Soon For Xbox One - Patch Notes Included

Originally Posted by Reggie548

This post contributed nothing to the premise of this thread.

Blocks are nerfed and defense is non existent. Live ball physics = fast break animations when you press turbo, non-call kick balls, and elite ball handlers being stripped by Koufas and Kaman or losing the rock in situations that are not plausible nor have ever happened in NBA basketball.
4 Chan speak is the only way I properly convey my thoughts to part of this:

>Defense Non existent
>Elite Ball Handlers stripped by Centers

Also: Defense is there, I was able to play D last night by cutting off angles and using some different feathering techniques. Is defense different than release: Yes. Is it gone? No.

Some of the non kickball calls are called because you're not dribbling off their feet, my dude. Usually when I "Just lose the ball for no reason", it's because I tried to force my way through a guy with no attempt to actually go around him. If the balls knocked lose, it's usually a knee or elbow that hit it.

You need to adjust what you're doing, because the only thing that seems really nerfed is Chase downs...which seemed OP to begin with
Female Russell Westbrook.

PSN: ViolenceFight
Instagram: @ViolenceFight
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