12-04-2015, 11:22 AM
Re: Ridiculous Catches ruin this game
I aree that they need to tweak the animations.
And really I do think that the one on one's are still a bit overpowered. Anytime I am faced with a 1 on 1 with nobody over the top I almost always take the shot, regardless of what WR it is, and that just isn't realistic. Yea if a Dez, Megatron, Julio, Beckham, etc. has a 1 on 1 you're going to get him the ball. But I shouldn't be able to throw it up to my 79 ovr WR in one on one coverage and him come down with it half the time with a 1 handed grab.
But like I said, I think the biggest thing is tweaking the animations. Maybe add more one on one catches by the WR and tweak the frequency of the 1 handed catches (like to 1 a season maybe....)
EDIT: If you really think about it though, there's a reason they put it in the game. It sells. It looks exciting. So it is overused in the game because if they didn't have it in there people would call the game boring and not buy it