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Old 12-10-2015, 10:36 AM   #31
HypoLuxa13's Arena
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Re: MLB The Show 16 Screenshots - Captured From the Trailer

Originally Posted by thaSLAB
I can state for a fact that competition (or lack thereof), has nothing to do with the direction the game takes from year to year. I mean really, think about that statement, and how much sense it doesn't make. As stated before, anyone is free to make an MLB game, but they've decided against it for whatever reason. That alone shows the passion SCEA has for baseball, to continue producing a game.

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Just curious, when did the MLB 1st/3rd party licensing model expire? You know, the agreement that killed MVP MLB Baseball and gave 3rd party MLB game rights to 2K, and each console maker (MS, Sony, Nintendo) 1st party rights?

If only the NFL would abandon their EA agreement now...
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