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Old 12-10-2015, 11:53 AM   #1
OVR: 19
Join Date: Nov 2004
Blog Entries: 1
the code that averages rebounds is incorrect

the problem with the rebounds is that the math in the code isnt correct.
the total number of rebounds at the end of the game in the box score will differ from when you look at the team comparison box score once you leave the game. look at the box score of your game from the calendar. they will be different.
the rebound numbers its usually off by what ever number of offensive rebound a team has.

so i think the offensive rebounds is being added to the equation twice.

for instance:
box score at the end of the game says defensive rebound 40, offensive rebound 8 giving you a total of 48

now when you go look at the box score from the calendar the rebounds number will be 56. or it could be adding 10 the number.
so who ever coded the game did the average wrong for total rebounds.
I think the offensive rebound variable is in the team comparison variable twice.
the team comparison totals variable is what I believe they use for all the stats in the team stats variable.
I believe that's where the error is. the code that averages rebounds is incorrect.

if you all want you can take a look and try to confirm or refute this.

Last edited by tril; 12-10-2015 at 11:57 AM.
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