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Old 12-10-2015, 12:43 PM   #28
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Game Update 1.07 Adds the Ability to Play-A-Friend in Draft Champio

Originally Posted by roadman
Here is a whole thread on the issue and it's been in other threads throughout the Madden OS forums.

Players don't sub in and out normally like they do in play now.

A post later in the thread clarifying the situation:

Auto Subs DO work, the sliders that control them don't. It's very clear that they work when you bump the fatigue slider up to the 60-70 range (at a minimum)
Interesting. I've always had my fatigue set at 70 and O-line subs at default and I don't recall an o-lineman subbing out or I just didn't realize it. The backup RBs get about 5 to 8 carries a game and I see different receivers coming in with subs at 79/75 for WR and RB.

I can see where it would drive you nuts though if you were focused in on it and it was broken.
Chalepa Ta Kala.....
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