yeah, thats it. I had that as a kid with hall of fame/all star players. I remember Steve Carlton was really good.
I played a lot of strat though which is much more sophisticated. Also had a game called Pursue the Pennant which was good and had little ballpark cutouts you used that added flavor. Also statis pro basketball and boxing, negamco college football and college basketball.
stopped playing all that in college and after... but recently, in my mid-30s I dove back in. Have been playing a ton of strat o matic baseball and hockey. Also am trying to figure out football (didnt play much advanced as a kid and also trying to find the best solitaire play selection charts).
Overall its great. if you play the correct way with usage and lineups, etc, you can come up with pretty realistic results. Been replaying the 1989-90 NHL season and created a 2014 MLB tournament. Once I get SOM Football down, I plan on replaying the entirety of the 1991 season.
I have the basketball game too and want to learn that down the road.
The computer versions are also amazing.