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Old 01-22-2016, 03:56 PM   #473
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Join Date: Jan 2016
Re: NBA Live 16 Available Today, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by BL8001
This exact same thing happens in LUT.

The frustrating thing is the cpu gets to score in varied ways, although the magical offensive rebound and then two foot jumper is their stock point getter.

I just hate running a play perfectly, misdirecting the cpu D and then finding a freed up shooter only to have them clank the jumper. Or watching someone like jimmy buckets stand there wide open, know the cpu is going to make him miss so look at other options then finally go ok you really are going to leave him wide open cpu? Throw it over and he shoots an airball.

Meanwhile if I ever sag off the cpu, or double or triple team them, they make the longer shots.

LUT degenerates into me slam dunking or getting close enough I can grab my own rebound if the cpu decides no you may not make this close jumper.

It does not feel right, it feels artificial.

And no, every shot you take should not drop.

Just watching what goes for the cpu vs what doesn't go for me tells the whole story.
Exactly. Same exact thing on Rising Star. Is dynasty different? Can you actually hit some jumpers? I will play that if that is the case. Rising star is not fun at all playing this way
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