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Old 01-29-2016, 06:06 PM   #157
(aka Alberto)
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Re: EA Sports UFC 2 Beta Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Chmielu9123
After watching tweedy streams

spamming and constant pressure is still the priority the pace is unreal.
Tweedy's stream isnt a great example of what people will see. 1) He is one of the best players at the game. 2)He doesnt seem to play with a wide range of fighters and those tactics are only good with certain fighters. For example, constant pressure worked against me when someone used Alves but the same guy tried that with Ryan LaFlare and I starched him. 3) This is just my opinion but his goal is to win at all costs so some of his tactics may be questionable but its not really spamming if you can do things to stop the spam....the issue is most people arent good enough to avoid it right now.
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