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Old 02-09-2016, 07:16 PM   #24
Badasi12b's Arena
OVR: 0
Join Date: Sep 2015
My pet peeve? The fact that I don't have online consistent in my house and couldn't play any modes outside of blacktop and play now. Unplayable. For a game series that consistently gets 9s-9.5s, this game should be near perfect! The fact that all you read on boards from everyone is how much they hate this game and how cheesy it can be makes you question yhe motive of the reviewer. Most overrated game in a LONG TIME! Live 16 doesn't have all the bell and whistles of 2k16, but at least while offline I can actually play dynasty and rising star season and SAVE MY GAME with my game face player! 2k16 doesn't even let you SAVE your creation if you're offline! Unacceptable.
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